I have come across this job part time job search and on clicking to apply for this job ,it has directed me to whatapp with a per text set to it ,after an agent has contacted me and told me to registered and download the merchant app by sharing link after completing the registration and download process they have added 90 rs to my merchant account and ask me to complete the tasks,which is to purchase a product and to get the purchase money and commission money back to me and that i can withdraw My money back it has gone well.for 2 level and 3 rd level they have give heavy price tasks and more than usual no.of tasks,until i complete the tasks they have freezed my money and telling me to complete the tasks without allowing to get my money back .16 march 2022 is when first it all started,the WhatsApp no. I have been contacted with is+63 968 479 4852 my bank detail :uco bank ,ac: 24200110051313:
Amazon merchant CS center Philippines taken my money and not giving back my money
- Last Post 10 June 2023
U have any contact number ?? And where from u
I have come across this job part time job search and on clicking to apply for this job ,it has directed me to whatapp with a per text set to it ,after an agent has contacted me and told me to registered and download the merchant app by sharing link after completing the registration and download process they have added 90 rs to my merchant account and ask me to complete the tasks,which is to purchase a product and to get the purchase money and commission money back to me and that i can withdraw My money back it has gone well.for 2 level and 3 rd level they have give heavy price tasks and more than usual no.of tasks,until i complete the tasks they have freezed my money and telling me to complete the tasks without allowing to get my money back .16 march 2022 is when first it all started,the WhatsApp no. I have been contacted with+63 969 414 8277
They are fraudsters
Same problem for me
Divya Bharathi how much amount you have invested kindly tell your contact number so I can help you on this
I also got stuck into this how to get out of it j don't know
Please someone help.me
NishaEliyas hi kindly tell your contact number so I can help you on this
Please help me..I too have same issue with Amazon mission hall..vip 1 and vip 2 go smoothly..in vip 3 they told complete all task to withdraw money i invest 52k till now..i got fear and that assistant told one more task to complete in that task they siad to pay 35k till now I'm not pay..they said after finishing this task only you received money..what can I do.
Please please help me
Thameem Ansari A hi kindly tell your contact number so I can help you on this
Please help me. I also have the same problem with the Amazon missions.
Please help me. I also have the same problem with the Amazon missions.
Please help me. I also have the same problem with the Amazon missions.
Please help me. I also have the same problem with the Amazon missions
Please help me sir I am also cheated by Amazon merchant scam
Please help me. I'm also facing same problem
Same problem.with me and if no action is taken this will continue forever and people like us middle class will be looted
Please help me .I am facing the sample problem too. Rahulroy can u please help me with this.