Amazon offer part time job when I open link and registered they offer 68 rupey and ask recharge for 200 for task doing and I recharge it they giving me task but when amount was huge to recharge I refused it to recharge and want my money back than they refused to give my money back .. they said that complete task then your money refund but task. Need huge amount to recharge how can I complete that task .. Kya job h ya logo se Paisa luttne ka tarika .. Agr recharge krn mna kr denge toh Jo phle task complete kr rhke h humne iske paise Dene se mna kr denge yeh saaf fraud ho rha h logo k sath main apne 5000 rupey daal diye isme ab yeh withdraw nhi kr rhe mere paise .. I want my money back please help me out
Amazon part time work fake
- Last Post 27 April 2023
posted this
27 April 2023
Same problem sir , I will lose 5200 amount please help me sir