Sir he has sent my image to all my contacts CONSTANT -my image and some matter MATER-Name:Thotakura Siva Mobile No.:7981584466 Identity Card No.:246769200319 यह बंदा ने १५ सालकी लड़कीको रेप करके फरार हुवा हैः यह आपका रिलेटिव्स भी हो सकता हैः इस्को कही देखा तो निचे के नंबर कॉल करना ठीक हैः CRIME DEPARTMENT : 974278110
Name:Thotakura Siva Mobile No.:7981584466 Identity Card No.:246769200319 This guy has escaped by raping a 15 year old girl: It could be your relative too: If you see this somewhere, it is ok to call the numbers below:rs below: