Flipkart commission and trading

  • Last Post 02 July 2024
AshwiniReddy posted this 30 June 2024

Hi i got msg from flipkart to whatsapp. Then they added in telegram to do tasks and the tasks are 22 .for some tasks only screen shot of the image and sent it to receiptomist to pay the money of 50 rps and some tasks we have to pay money and they refunded qith commission. But they demanded money in tasks and told error we made and asked to repair the data. Otherwise money will not refunded like that for every repair they are telling some reasons and asked to pay and after all that they will ask tax and insurance tax otherwise money will not be refunded by merchant. Like taht i lost 8 lakhs money . Please help me to get back my money from that scammers.

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CrimeBranch posted this 01 July 2024

Call on 9934147101.

aditiverma posted this 01 July 2024

AshwiniReddy kindly email to consumer@cyberservices.com they will surely help you

Lavanya posted this 02 July 2024

Ashwini i lost 18 lakhs but cyber crime recovered only 12.9 lakhs Plz msg me in my WhatsApp once 9966234938
