I got a message regarding part time jobs and gave me the below link to proceed.
Below is the message I received.
Amazon urgently recruiting for part-time jobs, daily salary 5000~20000rs CLICK JOINING: wa.me/918474909904 (GCPL)
After that, they gave me login credentials to login to the below page.
After logging in, they asked me to do tasks for which I have to pay money and they told me that commission will be provided for each task I am doing and I will be able to withdraw the total amount once I will finish all the tasks.
So after finishing all the tasks and was trying to withdraw the total amount, they disabled my account and when I reached out to them, they are asking me to do the tasks again and then I can withdraw the total amount which will not be possible as banks have transaction limit issue and we will not be able to send more than 1 lakh in 24 hours.
I have lost total amount of 173000.
Can you take action and help me in getting my money back. As they tricked me in doing tasks and took all my money.
I am attaching one of the relevant screenshot as proofs.
Unable to attach all of them.
Regards, Santosh Kumar