This is his no +1 267-652-4645 And his partners acc no 1. A/c name. Lalruat Kimi. A/c no. 504410110001207. Ifsc code. Bkid0005044. Branch Zuangtui Rd Thumpui. Bank of India. 2.Bank Name : SBI
Bank A/c name.. Rothang Puii. Bank A/c no 31472410555 .Bank Ifsc code Sbin0007059. Bank Branch Bawngkawn. 3.Below is our company's accountant bank account over there in India for you to pay into
\ BANK NAME. SBI. ACCOUNT NAME: GORATA CAROLINE KOBELO ACCOUNT NUMBER: 20161118158 IFSC CODE.SBIN0002769 BRANCH CODE 2769 BRANCH NAME PARISHRAMA BHAVANA I had orderd ps4 throug this man by seeing the add in quikr ...i had credited 8k to these accounts but he is telling that he had mispacked 15 units ps4 and asking to pay for all of it telling that the product will be delievered today tomorrow but nothing happened .....not even an single tracking code of the product.... Kindly take action asap
Quikr add id no:299126573