India Mart scam like Amazon cc mall (online mall)

  • Last Post 4 days ago
Mohammed AdilSayyed posted this 25 October 2021

First they send a normal message giving offer to join the job work from and get 15000 per day there was a whatsapp number below I was curious I went and message there to know how their scan works they sent me a link of India Mart(fake) It's a phishing link and the url is indiamart7 instead of original url indiamart they told me to register and send my name. Btw he also sent me the fake registeration screenshots and fake certificate I'm uploading the certificate screenshot .I asked for the company name I thought he will say Amazon cc or India Mart but he said you will get to know it after registration then I told him about his scam and he said he will cancel my account right away lol Now I'm filing this complaint

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PriyaBhupathy posted this 23 April 2023

India Mart is biggest cheating company. I have lost 11000 rupees.
