Jeevan sathi Fake profile

  • Last Post 16 December 2017
Manisha Arora posted this 16 December 2017

This guy makes jeevansathi fake profile every 6 months. He makes use of girls, uses them for money. His profile states that he is in to govt services and my father did all the back ground check and he was not in to govt services. He is big time fake and we are thank ful to the company through which we get the background check and we get to know about his history. He used many girls and still doing this. Through resources we got his jeevansathi profile deleted. But jeevansathi again activated his profile. Which is big miss on jeevansathi part. You guys should ask for the proofs if someone is adding govt services in profile. What are you doing , through these websites guys like Vishal sharma from Rajasthan Kota are getting the leverage of using girls.

Manisha Arora posted this 16 December 2017

His profile ID is YZYZ7409 this is the latest one. So you never know if he makes the new one.
