i got a mai from samsung uk company that myemail id won from electronic ballet system. and i won some amount and some prizes like laptop, tv, mobile. and asking about information. i told name, address, no n all. after that they asking for account no , ifsc code and some amount to register on indian airport delhi . i didnt provide it. after that i also received a mail from rbi gov. i didnt replied. and send this complaint to latestupdate1@gmail.com if it is true or fake? they gave me reply after 15days. that like this We have just confirmed your details.Yes, you were actually selected as one of the original winners. But we wish to inform you that winnings are sent directly through the bank representative in London. So we advice that you stop any transaction you have with any other persons/people immediately.
We are here by providing you with the real bank details below: You are to send the following details to them for further verification.
- Full names,
- Contact address
- Email address
Cellphone number Below is their contact details: Send them an email
Bank Name: Bank of London and the Middle East (BLME) Bank website: www.blme.com Account Officer: Marshall Penvis Account Officer Email: contactblme@gmail.com Account Officer Tel: +44 70319 95016 Fax +44 (0) 20 7618 0001
Registered Office: Head Office, Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6HL Registered in England. Registered No.6897786. We say congratulations.
Yours faithfully, Barr. Stacey Matric
then i sent details on it . after that today i got a call from +919210712807 this no. nd a lady on call says that to transfer money in indian currency you have to pay 17500 and send your account no, ifsc code. after that your amount will transfer on your account. then what can i do?? please co-operate me.