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Rivers Office Park, Denham Way Maple Cross Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 9YS. United Kingdom.
We are happy to inform you that your Email ID has emerged as one of Nissan Lucky winners for the Year 2025 which you were the second place winner among the 20 lucky winners. (Your Nissan Batch Code is NSN/05/16PE). You are hereby advised to contact our Nissan Claim Officer Mr. Jerry Park on ( ) to get your Claims of £350,000.00 (Three hundred and Fifty thousand, Great Britain Pounds Sterling) and Nissan SUVs, a Mini Microsoft computer (laptop), Iphone 16 pro max and Two 2 Nissan T.Shirt. Once again Congratulations! FILL THE FORM BELOW. 1: Name: 2: Full Address: 3: Mobile Number: 4: Occupation: 5: Age: 6: Sex: 7: Nationality /State: 8: Country of Residence: Send your details to Nissan UK email id:
Contact Event Manager Dr. S.N Joseph Phone: +448712340617 *************** * D I S C L A I M E R ****************** NOTE: This message is confidential and intended for the Email address owner(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by E-Mail return and then delete this message from your system. You should not copy or use it or disclose its contents to any other person. If any part of this message is illegible or if you suspect that the message may have been intercepted or amended, please contact the sender. We cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message without further investigation. NISSAN©2024 COPYRIGHT ONLINE PROMOTION ALL RIGHT RESERVED