I have received a msg from unknown no. For part time job. They sent me a link to sign in. I have signed in and they ask me to invest 200 rs to complete the task.According to Level 1,2,3 task is given. In every task the amount increased. I have lost 28k rupees. and didn’t back. Pl help me to get back my money. This is a fraud online company. Action should be taken against these type of online frauds. Please help me.
Online fraud
- Last Post 17 October 2021
posted this
17 October 2021
It is amazon online part-time job... Fraud site.. Lost 31 k last month. No hope. Even onlinelegalindia is not helping me to recover.. Even after paying 1180 fees to recover 24k. It is all group of people who earn money by this means to die early by corono 3rd wave....