I have received a msg for part time job offer in online by https://toystrack.com/ as im jobless so tired to do part-time job first I recharge 100 then I got 230 later I recharge 500 then I got 1000 then I recharge 1000 20000 30000 40000 above 1 lakh order not completing with recharge the amount has been freezed unable to withdraw Please tell me is this fraud service or if I complete order then I will get complete refund or not
Online part time job fraud https://toystrack.com/
- Last Post 21 December 2022
Same happened with me. Did you got any solutions?
hey, can you help me?
Can anyone tell a solution my friend too has faced the same problem and now I am getting message but I didn't get involved as my friend faced the issue intimate me if any one knows how to solve the issue please
The link is changed now https://www.r8v2.in This is the recent message I got from my friend Please anybody help us
Identification Number: U51909PN2007PTC131121
Director identification number: 01853880 Director name:HASNAIN ASGARALI RUPANI
Director identification number: 01996881 Director name:
My friend has got this information please anyone help him to get refund
7091083422 contact number and with that they have a telegram link too Telegram: https://t.me/VermaC888 This is the tutors telegram I'd and that is the recruiter phone and whatsapp number they are not answering the calls they are only replying by text message
Further more my friend have send me upi for which they are asking to recharge I will share this so that it may too help the people to get refund tradingzany@okaxis onlineentertainment165@esaf aquasolutions165@pnb vpnlog9090@okaxis
These where the upi for multiple order one This might be useful to you
But why sir
bnp3146@gmail.com Please help him sir
U can also share here because it might be usefull for all
Sry sir it's bsp3146@gmail.com
@VermaC888 even I am cheated by this person, and the modus operandi is similar to what happened to the others.
Is the cyber crime department watching this fraud ?
Even Rahul Roy will extort money from you, saying he will help you get your invested back. Complain with Cyber Crime Cell and update the developments so all the victims will know.
The cyber crime department is running a farce, i think
Same problem faced my friend also. If she continue then the order prize 6500. How can get that amount without complete that task
Can you help cyber section. My friend also facing this problem. Her 25000 freezed. When order complete after only that amount get our bank account. But each task have reacharge more amount. She facing same situation. Cargo international, amir construction etc..
Same problem faced with me . If I continue then the order prize 8200. How can get that amount without complete that task.but this task is never complete. And I can't withdraw my money, system saw uncompleted task,and that say complete your task,I done two many time but task on an on ,in short I can't withdraw my money