I ordered 10 kg KESAR mangoes on 9 April 2022 and paid Rs 505.04 including GST (Rs 77.04) and Delivery carges (Rs 29 FOR delivery with in 4-5 days). Did receive an email stating your order has been received and is being processed. But have received no delivery. They have not given any phone number in their website.
Shocking!! But I got trapped just because of the genuine paymeny gateway. But tilldate i have not recived as per my order.Please help and resolve the issue complaint asap.
[Order #39786] (April 9, 2022)
Product Quantity Price
Kesar Mango - 10 Kg 1 ₹399.00
Subtotal: ₹399.00
Shipping: ₹29.00 via Delivery Within 4-5 Days
Tax: ₹77.04
Payment method: Cashfree
Total: ₹505.04