I got a message from telegram channel regarding full time/part time job.
This started on 11th march, where they post task in form of prepaid task. It starts from 10am in the morning. They post these tasks in telegram group.
on the first day they asked to like youtube videos. After liking each video they will give Rs50.
Now they had started prepaid tasks. For first prepaid-task they asked Rs5000. Then they said they will give commission of Rs 600. Then they asked in order to get the full refund, we need to complete second task. For Second task they asked Rs 33,500. After transfering this amount. They said for getting refund, you need to give 1.48Lakhs.
But now they are saying in order to get refund, you need to give Rs 5.20Lakhs.
This is a whole scam in which i faced a loss of Rs190100.
Can you help me in getting the money back. I had full details of the scam.