• Last Post 31 August 2022
RajkumarGupta posted this 14 June 2022

GangaGp posted this 31 August 2022

Dear sir, My Name is Gangadhar r This is to inform you online fraudulent online money and commission type jobs part time and full time they're frist do whatsup msg if will fill up the user name ans psw. Then need to recharge 100 then they will give us frist order we need finished this immediately comes 200 withdrawal next recharge 500 rupees order is complete then recharge lot lot of it's go 500000 to around 800000 lks if we re not finish that task we can't withdrawal our amount again and again comes task can't do withdrawal if asking you should complete the task if will done the task again it's comes task no withdrawal

Dear sir, help us these regards
