Hi, I'm sivajyothi. Due to financial problems I joined the company the resume company as a part time job. They told about the work and have to complete the typing of 600 resumes within a week. It's really a tough and difficult job to do within that stipulated time. When the task nearing date came they called me and threatening me to pay the amount of 5500+GST. Before starting the work they didn't say anything amount the payment and penalty charges. They said that it's free of cost. Now They are sending messages, calling and emails to me. It's really a stressful for me. I can't able to concentrate on my studies. Kindly clarify the issues and help me. Thank you.
Threatening me to pay the amount
- Last Post 15 March 2021
Rikesh K M
posted this
15 March 2021
SivaJyothi, Don't Pay any amount for better pls block all their mails and numbers and if you submitted your address proof also don't worry cuz they don't have rights to block your card, think twice before taking decision on these type of jobs.. hope it helpful