Using documnet of Army man and making money frauds

  • Last Post 2 weeks ago
SourabhNaik posted this 10 December 2022

I got call from person who is claiming his name is Deepak Bajrang Pawar army personnel.He sent his Aadhar no 3709 7848 6547,Pan CWKPP9427L , canteen card no LA04051342134900D00 & ID no 141928.He told that he has transfer from Jammu to Nashik and want flat in nashik.He ask me my document  Id cards, Pan card & Aadhar card to submit their office for lease house payment he is saying that it is required to process army Merchat account.I am also working in defence sector and as per their id cards and canteen card , i believe him and share my id card and aadhar card and my flat photo.

on second day i called and say my family like your house and i will transfer token money in account. And saying that link a account to google pay . then i have doubt he is fraud man and i ignore him and told i will not give my flat on rent to you.After that he called many time.

As he is using document of mr Deepak Bajrang Pawar army person.In a same way he will use my document for fishing.




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SenthilNathan posted this 12 December 2022

Hi, I was contact by the exact person about my house in Bangalore for rent, he shared the exact details of Canteen card, PAN, Adhar etc. He told me that he is serving in Army in Delhi and Transferred to Bangalore. His wife and kids are ready to move to Bangalore in 15 days and he is willing to pay 50% advance right away without even seeing the house. I was bit skeptical and googled his canteen card number and got to your post. This confirms that this is scam. 

Thanks for posting and making the awareness. 

mahadevanseshan posted this 29 April 2023

This fellow contacted me yesterday, April 28, 2023 using mbl nos. 8486298652 and 7223902083. He used an accomplice to call me through mbl no 6370632962. He also sent to me his aadhaar card, army card, pan card. He said he liked my property and said he will pay a token money and he wanted me to click a google pay link, which I declined. He got his accomplice to act as army accountant and request me to click the google pay link. When i refused, he immediately deleted all the photos of aadhaar card, pan card, army card. Wonder why the authorities are not able to locate him and take him to task.

sudhirnair posted this 20 May 2023

I have been trying to reach cyber Crime using 1930 . No response and could not get the required help . Same incident Deepak Bajrang Pawar . Called me from 7908418101. Request the Cyber Crime to get these kind of issues addressed. Tried speaking to the cyber crime personel and she refused to log the complain . She says only aftrer the payment is done we could take your complain. Fortunately I looged in with his name and realised that this is a racket . Sad to see so many of them compalining about the same incident . Lets hope some action is taken and this person is taken to task . He claims to be from Satara . 

MaheshThallapalli posted this 30 September 2023

The same person contacted me today for purchase of my flat in Pune. He said he got transferred from Assam to Pune and needs a flat.

Even before seeing the flat - in the first call itself he said he is fine to purchase and sent his ID documents and asking me to share the similar documents and along with my bank account details. I felt suspicious and checked online.

Received call from number : +91 7024179414

Name: Pawar Deepak Bajarang

Father Name: Bajarang Krishna Pawar

Aadhar card : 3709-7848-6547

army card : 141928 / 5022197W

ARMY Liqour card : LA04051342134900D00

pan card: CWKPP9427L


He even shared a family picture with his wife and two kids. 

MOHAMMEDVAZIRUDDIN THAWAKKAL posted this 28 November 2023

Yes ..... like this he called me...and saying that he is from military person needs house for rent.


If any one called like this, tell him to come and see house and then take for rent./  Without seeing house no one will take for rent.

Be careful like this people.


LnsomashekharNagarajappa posted this 14 December 2023

The same person is contacted with number 8545063905 telling the same story. I searched in google and came to know he is fraud.
